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By Brian Gubernick

Brian Gubernick, Co-Founder of Metrix Masterminds, has more than 15 years of industry experience. He’s held the role of investor, agent, team owner/leader, multi-state expansion team owner, brokerage operating partner, coach and trainer, and corporate executive. Brian started his real estate sales career by launching his sales team, Homehelper Consultants (HhC), in 2007.

In business and life, growth often boils down to three crucial variables: time, capital, and influence. The key to expanding your world, whether it’s building more businesses or creating a more significant impact, lies in understanding how to leverage these three variables.

Early Stages: All We Have is Time

At the start of any career or business venture, time is often our most abundant resource. When first starting out, you might not have the capital to invest or the relationships to rely on, but you do have time. And what do you do with that time? You work hard, and put in your effort and energy to make progress.

This stage is all about the grind, putting in the hours, and learning as much as possible. Over time, this hard work begins to generate income, which transitions into capital—another essential resource for growth.

The Next Phase: Capital and Influence

As you continue to build your business or career, capital eventually follows.

This opens up new opportunities. Now, you’re no longer just relying on time. You can start deploying your capital to invest in new ventures or scale your current business operations.

At the same time, as you network and build relationships, you gain influence. Your reputation and connections can open doors that may not have been accessible before. Influence becomes a powerful asset that allows you to grow your impact without always needing to spend more time or capital.

Aligning Resources with Goals

One of the greatest challenges that I see many people face is misalignment between these variables.

For example, if you don’t want to put in the time but only want to deploy capital, you need to be clear on that upfront. Misalignment occurs when we attempt to force one variable when another would be more appropriate.

For some ventures, your time will be the primary investment—something you need to be passionate about to sustain. In other cases, it might just be capital or influence. The key is recognizing where you are in your journey and aligning the right resource with the right opportunity.

How to Expand Your World

When thinking about expanding your world, ask yourself:

  • What resource do I need to leverage?
  • Do I need to put in more time?
  • Should I invest capital?
  • Or can I use my influence to make it happen?

Understanding these dynamics can help you make smarter decisions and avoid frustration.

In the end, your world expands based on how you choose to allocate these resources.

Whether you’re just starting out with time as your only asset or you’ve reached a point where you can leverage capital and influence, the path forward is about strategic investment. Get clear on which variable you need to deploy for each opportunity.

By understanding the interplay between time, capital, and influence, you’ll be better equipped to grow your business, create new ventures, and ultimately build the bigger world you envision.

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