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By Brian Gubernick

Brian Gubernick, Co-Founder of Metrix Masterminds, has more than 15 years of industry experience. He’s held the role of investor, agent, team owner/leader, multi-state expansion team owner, brokerage operating partner, coach and trainer, and corporate executive. Brian started his real estate sales career by launching his sales team, Homehelper Consultants (HhC), in 2007.

When Ben and I began our real estate journeys and built our businesses, we were incredibly fortunate to have mentors who guided us, supported us, and opened doors to rooms filled with like-minded individuals. The knowledge we gained in these rooms and the relationships that we formed played a pivotal role in our growth and overall success.

We started Metrix with this very purpose in mind - to create a space where business owners and entrepreneurs can learn, grow together, support each other, and build lasting friendships within a community that values both personal and professional growth.

Today, when we think about Metrix and all that it stands for, the word that comes to mind is Prosperity. Prosperity in every facet of life - business, finances, health, relationships, happiness.

To capture this, we created the Metrix Pyramid of Prosperity.

Each section of this pyramid symbolizes a crucial building block for living a prosperous life. As I break down each part, I invite you to reflect on your life and your own prosperity.

HEALTH | Your health is the foundation for everything in life. Without your health, you cannot do much. You must be actively working on optimizing both your physical and mental health every single day. After all, what’s the point of building a successful business or a fulfilling life if you’re not around to enjoy it? Take a moment today to honestly assess your health.When was the last time you had a comprehensive check-up or got your bloodwork done? Do you maintain a regular fitness routine? What small dietary changes can you make today to improve your long-term health?

On a scale of 1-10 - you can’t use 7 - how would you rate your overall health?

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT | The extent to which you grow and develop yourself is ultimately reflected in your business, relationships, and life. Consider the books you read, the podcasts you listen to, the people you surround yourself with—are they contributing to your growth? Are you learning new things? Are they expanding your vision of what’s possible?

On a scale of 1-10 - you can’t use 7 - how would you rate your overall personal development?

BUSINESS | As entrepreneurs, our aim is for our businesses to be both profitable and impactful. What are your strategies for growing and scaling your business? Do you need to increase your leverage by hiring more people? Should you diversify by starting or acquiring ancillary businesses? If your business isn’t where you want it to be, what changes must you make?

On a scale of 1-10 - you can’t use 7 - how would you rate your business and entrepreneurial skills?

WEALTH | As your business grows and your income increases, do you have a plan for building wealth? Are you investing in real estate or the stock market? Have you set up a retirement plan that suits you? Are you regularly tracking your net worth? Have you implemented a comprehensive tax strategy to minimize liabilities?

On a scale of 1-10 - you can’t use 7 - how would you rate your wealth-building strategy?

LEGACY | Everything you do each day, personally and professionally, shapes your legacy. The beauty of your legacy is that you have the power to define it. If the path you’re on won’t lead to a legacy you’ll be proud of, the good news is you can change course. The building blocks we laid out here, when executed at a high level and with great intentionality, will provide you with the ability to build a long lasting and powerful legacy, thus creating a prosperous life for yourself and your family.

On a scale of 1-10 - you can’t use 7 - how would you rate your legacy?

If you found that any part of your Pyramid of Prosperity falls short of a 10 and you want to elevate it, I encourage you to seek out a mentor or a community of like-minded individuals who can guide and support you.

If you are interested in discovering how Ben, myself, and our Metrix Masterminds community can support you in any of these areas, please reach out to me.