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As a business owner, what are you doing to motivate your unmotivated members?
At our mastermind event back in December, Ben and I were talking to our mastermind group about ducks vs eagles…
The first thing to note in managing a team effectively is accepting that no amount of motivation will transform an unmotivated individual. Just as a duck cannot become an eagle no matter how hard you try or pretend, some people simply lack the drive to reach their full potential no matter how much you try to motivate them. It’s up to you if you want to keep these unmotivated “ducks” hoping they find the motivation and turn into an “eagle.”
Ben admitted to our group that he keeps some unmotivated people in his organization because he really cares for them. However, to make up for their low effort and performance he had to hire high-performing individuals to cover for them so he didn’t have to deal with complacency and lack of results. Ben shared that keeping someone who isn’t motivated costs him money, but he chooses to do it because he believes that they can eventually improve.
So, how can you help this ‘duck’ become productive?
Simple Tasks and More Transparency
First, you need to simplify tasks into very small steps and maintain a high level of transparency. Ask your team what they plan to accomplish today, and follow up to check in on their progress at the end of the day.
If you don’t have regular, straightforward discussions about expectations and tasks, you will face disappointments, especially when people don’t follow through on their commitments. This will affect your drive to manage the team and it’s tough to stay motivated when you keep facing losses.
Manufacture Wins
To help maintain motivation, stack small wins to create momentum. When the team experiences repeated successes, it gives them motivation and a sense of hope, making it easier to deal with bigger challenges. The moment you start consistently winning, you boost morale and overall productivity.
The main takeaway here is, be mindful of the ducks and eagles in your organization and don’t waste your time trying to turn a duck into an eagle. If you think you might have a duck in your world, implement the few strategies we shared here.
If you are a business owner, and are looking for support and guidance as you grow and scale your organization, reach out to us. Click here to schedule a call with our team to learn more about our membership and if it’s the right fit for you.